My Word for 2017 // Happy
Hello, hello.
Happy new year! Hope you've had a great day so far. I decided to start the year off with a personal post from me about my word for 2017. If you're not familiar with this concept, you chose a one-word mantra at the beginning of the new year that acts as a guiding force of your actions throughout the year. For example, some chose rest if they're a workaholic that needs to take more time off, etc. I've chosen words in the past but I never was that successful in bringing them to life. I think this may be because I focused on external issues, like school and work, when what I really needed to work on was myself. As a result, I'm going back to the basics this year and choosing happy.
As of today I'm about one month out from my 21st birthday and I could not be more excited. Not just because it means I can order girly cocktails at my favorite restaurants, but because it signifies another year in my adulthood. These past years following my graduation from high school have been tough. I took one semester of college courses and decided ordinary schooling wasn't for me. From there I took a two year leave during which I started this business. This past fall I signed back up for a few classes and am continuing on this spring. I've grown a lot over these past few years and even more so within the last few months. I've learned there is no right or wrong way to life, but there is a right way for each individual. I've spent a lot of my time comparing myself to others my own age and those many years older than me. I'm ready to embrace who I am and find out what makes me happy again because after these past few years I can't seem to remember.
I want to...
- Get dressed up more and do my makeup because I've always loved getting glam
- Go out to fancy restaurants even to just order appetizers because I love the ambience
- Go to the library (I've been wanting to for literally years) to work on something special and have a little peace and quiet
- Travel to some of my favorite places that I haven't seen in years
- Experiment with new ways of designing as it may lead to new creative discoveries
As far as what I don't want to do, it's simple: I do not want to take this life and, especially, these young adult years for granted. I've faced a mental battle everyday for way too long. It's time for me to feel excited and ready to see what the day brings me.
It's time for me to be happy.
Do have a word your focusing on this year? Let me know. I'd love to hear your story.